Realising you might be a camp staffer:
- While in the toilet you think "Is my radio on?"
- Laundry becomes a four letter word--other staff may lend you clean t-shirts and trousers, but it ends there!
- You have a water bottle. That you actually use and threaten harm to anyone who takes it.
- Bear, baboon, scorpion, and teenagers run when they see you coming.
- Zoolander may have a look, but you use THE look daily.
- Fish fingers seem like normal breakfast food. And what's wrong with burgers three days running?!
- Speaking of which, you have a camp wardrobe and a skinny wardrobe.
- The army has nothing on your acronym skills. As in, The PD is looking for the APD to meet him/her in the KDA so they can deal with a PDA case. And it all makes sense!
Rocklands is looking for camp staff! If you want to be part of the cool group visit and hit the volunteer tab for an application.