Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Yelling (in my head) at the professor

Much, much yelling in my head! I left class with a headache that only instant coffee cured. All because American Christian dogma has reached South African shores and flourishes under the warm sun. Two years of British manners kept me from leaping to my feet, grabbing the nearest Bible, and thumping the man on his head as he paced in front of the class, the thumping thus possibly scewing the plaid shirt tucked neatly into his khaki trousers.

But no, I refrained, and may I earn an extra soy-latte in heaven for sitting on my hands and sucking through my teeth. I very much hope that my brothers are not off somewhere wearing plaid and impregnating barefoot women. Oy!

(That's what I was thinking in my head today...)

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